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A partnership with NOPE Compost Co. comes complete with care and communication.

We take great pride in our services and are here to make your organization's composting program a success! 


How it Works:


1) Schedule an introductory call with our team today.

We meet over phone, video chat, or in-person to access how composting can help your team meet sustainability goals.


2) Together we set an ongoing schedule for collections. NOPE Compost Co. has a fleet of specialized collection trucks that pick-up compostable materials from your location 1-5x week. 









3) Food scraps and compostable material are added to indoor collection containers. These containers (ex. 5-gallon bucket, "slim jim" style container) are lined with compostable bags. Once full, the bags are tied up and added to the outdoor NOPE Compost collection cart(s). 











4) On pick-up day, the NOPE Compost Co. driver loads all material onto our truck. Afterwards, the empty outdoor collection cart is lined with a new compostable bag so the process can start again.











5) During collections, our drivers record the total weight of food scraps collected. Each month your organization receives an Impact Report detailing the total amount of material collected and the positive environmental impact of your actions.











6) For every ton of food scraps and organic material your organization adds to your NOPE Compost collection carts, you will receive one 40-lb. bag of finished compost. This can be used on your organization's grounds or gardens or donated to a local charity or community garden. This Compost Credit Program allows you to earn locally-produced compost to enrich Virginia soils!

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Tiny Check

We're Here to Help!

We recognize that composting can be unfamiliar and come with its fair share of questions.


Along with ongoing support available anytime through email or phone, we provide: 




Kitchen Training.png

Smartphone App


Cart Cleaning

SWAM logo
Virginia Green logo
Virginia Compost Council logo
B Corp logo
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